Window Repair and Replacement Guide

Window Guide ImageThe Window Repair and Replacement Guide is for applicants determining when to replace windows, appropriate window replacements, and submittal requirements. Windows reflect the architectural style of a building and are considered character defining features of a historic resource. There are many factors and resources available to help determine if your windows should be repaired or replaced, and many are listed within this guide. Before submitting an application, please review the guide and required submittal materials.


Supporting Documentation

Window Survey Form ImageFor each window replacement, a window survey is required. Please use the Window Survey Form provided and submit the form with your HP permit application. The form lists the required submittal materials in an editable PDF form that you can save and print from your computer. Please refer to Window Repair and Replacement Guide and Preservation Brief 9: The Repair of Historic Wooden Windows when completing the form.

The following is a list of documentation that should be submitted with your window survey (digitally, if possible). Questions? Contact TPC Staff.


  • Photographs or drawings of each elevation of the structure
  • Site plan of the structure with each window opening numbered
  • Exterior photographs of each window opening
  • Interior photographs of each window opening
  • Detail photographs of problem areas of window as necessary
  • Condition Evaluation of each window
  • Original window design, pattern, and materials
  • Proposed window design, pattern, and materials
  • Product brochure and a picture or drawing of proposed window or windows

Questions that your application materials should answer:

  1. Are your windows historic?
  2. What is the condition of the windows?
  3. What is the appropriate treatment?
  4. What specifically are you proposing to do? What are the materials, dimensions, design and trim details, etc?
  5. Does the proposed work conform to the Unified Design Guidelines?