TPC Meeting Schedule

Meetings of the Tulsa Preservation Commission and its Historic Preservation Permit (HP) Subcommittee are open to the public.  Unless otherwise noted on the agenda, Historic Preservation Permit (HP) Subcommittee meetings are held on the 10th floor of City Hall, and Tulsa Preservation Commission meetings are held City Hall, on the 2nd floor, Council Chambers, 175 East 2nd Street (2nd Street & Cincinnati Avenue)

On-street metered parking and parking in nearby lots or garages is available.  Upon arrival at City Hall, please sign in at the Security Desk.

Applications for new construction, additions, and other complex projects are first reviewed by the HP Subcommittee and then forwarded to the Tulsa Preservation Commission for final review.  Please contact the staff before you submit an application to determine whether it should be reviewed by the subcommittee.

To be listed on an agenda, complete applications must be submitted by 4:00 P.M. one week prior to the date of the Regular Meeting.  Agendas and staff reports will be posted on the website at least 24 hours in advance, and minutes will be posted after approval by the Tulsa Preservation Commission.

2025 Regular Meeting Schedule

Historic Preservation Permit Subcommittee Tulsa Preservation Commission
January 9, 2025  4:00 PM January 02, 2025  11:00 AM
January 23, 2025  11:00 AM January 16, 2025  4:00 PM
February 13, 2025  4:00 PM February 6, 2025  11:00 AM
February 27, 2025  11:00 AM February 20, 2025  4:00 PM
March 13, 2025  4:00 PM March 06, 2025  11:00 AM
March 27, 2025  11:00 AM March 20, 2025  4:00 PM
April 10, 2025  4:00 PM April 03, 2025  11:00 AM
April 24, 2025  11:00 AM April 17, 2025  4:00 PM
May 08, 2025  4:00 PM May 01, 2025  11:00 AM
May 29, 2025  11:00 AM May 15, 2025  4:00 PM
June 26, 2025  4:00 PM June 05, 2025  11:00 AM
July 10, 2025  11:00 AM July 03, 2025  4:00 PM
July 31, 2025  4:00 PM July 17, 2025  11:00 AM
August 14, 2025  11:00 AM August 07, 2025  4:00 PM
August 28, 2025  4:00 PM August 21, 2025  11:00 AM
September 11, 2025  11:00 AM September 04, 2025  4:00 PM
September 25, 2025  4:00 PM September 18, 2025  11:00 AM
October 09, 2025   11:00 AM October 02, 2025  4:00 PM
October 30, 2025   4:00 PM October 16, 2025  11:00 AM
November 13, 2025   11:00 AM November 06, 2025  4:00 PM
November 20, 2025  11:00 AM
December 11, 2025  4:00 PM December 18, 2025  4:00 PM
*Special Meeting