To date, eight historic Tulsa neighborhoods and sites have requested historic preservation zoning. The process includes a great deal of public involvement. Guidelines are written with the help of the TPC and adopted by the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission and Tulsa City Council.
The following neighborhoods have requested and received Historic Preservation (HP) Zoning, which was approved by the Mayor of Tulsa on the date listed:
Brady Heights December 20, 1999
Council Oak Tree Site January 31, 1992
Gillette March 24, 1989
North Maple Ridge April 12, 1993
Swan Lake February 14, 1994
Yorktown August 14, 1995
Elmwood, the Patrick J. Hurley Mansion October 22, 2015
Tracy Park November 30, 2022
Adoption of HP zoning reflects the desire of neighborhood residents to preserve the unique character of the place where they live — to protect their investments from inappropriate new construction and alterations. There are many benefits realized from these efforts, not the least of which is a positive impact on property values.
The primary regulation of HP zoned neighborhoods is the HP Permit process administered by the Tulsa Preservation Commission. Its purpose is to review improvements before they occur to help owners improve their properties within the design guidelines developed by each neighborhood.
The HP Permit process is mandatory. Owners and residents must successfully apply for and receive an HP Permit before making any changes or repairs to the exterior of their properties located within an HP-zoned neighborhood, even if a Building Permit is not required.