Tulsa Preservation Commission Members

The Tulsa Preservation Commission is an eleven-member board of the City of Tulsa.  Its membership is designed to reflect a broad variety of professional interests and specialties, such as architecture, real estate, and history, and to balance those interests with the needs of Tulsa’s historic neighborhoods and landmarks.

Nine members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council, and two members are appointed by the Arts Commission of the City of Tulsa and the Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission.  Commissioners serve staggered three-year terms and attend two meetings each month, in addition to training and committee assignments.

If you are interested in serving on the Tulsa Preservation Commission, please contact TPC staff or the Mayor’s Office (918-596-2100, boards@cityoftulsa.org). You must be a resident of the City of Tulsa and meet the requirements for appointments.  A demonstrated interest in the preservation of Tulsa’s historic resources for the benefit of the greater community is required as well.

Current Members of the Tulsa Preservation Commission

Mark D. G. Sanders Historic Property Owner  
Shane Hood, Chair TMAPC  
Katelyn C. Parker, RA Historic Property Owner  
Royce A. Ellington, Vice-Chair Licensed Real Estate Broker  
Geoffery Evans, PLA Licensed Landscape Architect  
Peter Grant, GMR, CAPS, Secretary Builder  
Jackie Price Johannsen Historic Property Owner  
Susan J. McKee, MFA Historic Property Owner  
Mary Lee Townsend, Ph.D. Architectural Historian/Historian  
James E. Turner, AIA Licensed Architect  
VACANT Arts Commission  

Historic Preservation Permit Subcommittee Neighborhood Representatives

The Tulsa Preservation Commission has a special committee to provide preliminary review of applications for new construction, additions, and complex projects.  Each officially recognized neighborhood association or homeowners’ association within the Historic Preservation Zoning Overlay Districts may nominate a volunteer to serve on this committee.  These volunteers are not commissioners but serve as liaisons for their respective neighborhoods.  The Tulsa Preservation Commission is currently enjoying the participation of these Neighborhood Representatives:


VACANT Gillette  
John Spillyards North Maple Ridge  
Chip Atkins Swan Lake  
Jeremy Brennan The Heights  
Liz Murry Tracy Park  
Rebecca Johnston Yorktown