So many summer projects are underway! Do not forget to contact the Tulsa Preservation Staff for all new exterior and landscape projects that can be seen from the public right of way. Preservation Staff are happy to work with property owners about upcoming projects and provide assistance regarding applications and upcoming meetings.
Prepare in advance! If you have a project deadline, contact Preservation Staff in the beginning stages and fill out your Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) application. This will allow time to compile drawings and information you need to be placed on the first available Preservation Commission agenda. If you are not sure if your project needs to be reviewed, look at some of the FAQ below.
- Do I live in a Historic Preservation Zoning District?
If you are unsure if you live in HP Zoning, the best method to find out is either call the Preservation Staff at 918-576-5687 or look at HP Zoning District Maps.
- Who are the Preservation Staff?
There are two primary staff members for the Preservation Commission. Jennifer Gates is the Interim Preservation Officer and oversees program management. Kristin Pack handles and processes all Certificate of Appropriateness applications, and can be reached at 918-576-5687 or
- My house is listed the National Register, does the Preservation Commission review my property?
The National Register is an honorary designation, and it does not place limitations on homeowners. Within Tulsa, five of our National Register districts chose to incorporate a Historic Preservation Overlay to regulate change in their neighborhood. See the HP Zoning District Maps to see if your property is located in HP Zoning.
- Do I need a COA to paint my house?
You do not need a COA to pain your house unless you have masonry building that was NOT previously painted. This includes unpainted brick and stucco porches and foundations. The Preservation Commission does not regulate paint color.
- Do I need to apply for a COA to add or remove gutters?
No, you do not.
- My house is covered in vinyl siding, and I want to take it off. Can I?
You will need a COA approval rom the Preservation Staff, and it will NOT have to be reviewed by the Preservation Commission. You will need to fill out the COA Application and Preservation Staff will review the request. If you want to replace vinyl siding or the siding underneath, you will need to submit a COA application to be reviewed by the Preservation Commission
- What if I want to plant a new tree or bush in my yard?
The Preservation Commission does review any organic materials including the removal and addition of trees and bushes.
- I have received my Certificate of Appropriateness. Do I still need to go to the permit office?
Some items reviewed by the Preservation Commission require you to obtain a permit from the City such as additions and retaining walls. Please check with the permit office if you are unsure if your project requires a permit.
- What if I would like to add a fence to my yard?
If the fence is located in the front yard, the Preservation Commission will need to review it. If the fence is located in the back or side yard, the Preservation Commission will NOT need to review it.
Need additional information? Please contact staff at 918-576-5687 and look at the City’s Unified Design Guidelines.