In November 2009, the City of Tulsa completed an architectural and historic inventory of every building inside the Inner Dispersal Loop. Financial contributors to this multi-year project include the Oklahoma State Historic Preservation Office, the National Trust for Historic Preservation through a donation from Kanbar Properties, Dr. Jack Crowley, and the City of Tulsa.
A number of talented people worked on the downtown survey — Dr. Cathy Ambler and Elizabeth Rosin, our preservation consultants, Anne Crotty, and Lindsay Johnson.
The purpose of the survey project was to document all properties inside the IDL in order to identify which portions of downtown are eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, which would in turn make the properties eligible for Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit incentives.
Downtown Tulsa Intensive-Level Survey
Downloadable PDF copy of the survey report (3.3MB)
For more information on the downtown survey, potential downtown National Register districts, or the historic rehabilitation tax credit program, please contact preservation staff at 918-576-5687.